What is Clotting-Guide?

Clotting-Guide is an app that is intended to provide training and further education for medical students, doctors and other staff in the medical environment. Clotting-Guide is based on fictitious patients who have a clinically noticeable tendency to bleeding (e.g. tendency to hematomas, postoperative bleeding, noticeable mucous membrane bleeding, etc.) and leads to a probable diagnosis based on the existing coagulation laboratory findings. The app is also helpful in interpreting abnormal coagulation findings.

Under no circumstances may Clotting-Guide be used to make medical decisions on real patients or to make a diagnosis; the app is not a medical product.

Clotting-Guide offers comprehensive background information on the queried parameters and the suggested diagnoses. Great care has been taken to present the data and interpretations and findings given to the best of our knowledge, medical experience and knowledge of the scientific and clinical literature. The publisher cannot be held responsible for omissions, errors and any consequences for doctors and patients that may arise from the use of the information from Clotting-Guide.

Clotting-Guide has certain limitations:

When using Clotting-Guide, detailed coagulation findings should, if possible, be available, at least the prothrombin time, APTT, fibrinogen level, and if possible also the thrombin time and an anti-Xa value. If a value is not available, you can try to continue using the app assuming that the requested parameter is normal.

In unclear constellations, if several pathologies are present at the same time or if a clinical picture is under coagulation-active therapy, it may happen that the app only leads to one diagnosis and other possible diagnoses are not displayed. In such cases it can be helpful to try out different answer options.